* Las Vegas Transgender Support* | ||
Las Vegas TG Support Groups | Doctors | Attorneys |
Las Vegas CD Support Group | Psychiatrists | Electrologists |
Government | Therapists | Email a Resource |
This will be a expanding list of Local Las Vegas Doctors,
Psychologist and other support organizations. If you happen to know of any Professionals
,Groups or Businesses providing services for the TG community please send me their name
and number and I will call them to get permission to list them here.
Please Note This list is way out of date
Please help in expanding and updating this list .
...Many Thanks for Your Partisapitation.
Las Vegas Transgender Support Group Return to Top
Meeting Times: 7:00PM to 8:30PM First and Third Mondays of every month
Community Counseling Center 1120 Almond Tree Lane Las Vegas
Located just North West of the Intersection of Maryland Parkway and Sahara
For more information, please contact: Antioco at (702) 369-8700
Or use our voice mail number at (702) 392-2132
For online information you can also contact us by E-mail:
Email The Group Las Vegas TG Support Groups Web Site
Las Vegas Chapter Tri - ess Return to Top
Tri-ess is a Hetrosexual Crossdressing group and although hetero based does accept members with a wide range of lifestyles and is a great place to stretch you legs En Femme and learn the art of femininity .. The group also has a subgroup for significant others (Wives and Girlfriends)..
Las Vegas, NV Metro Area
P.O. Box 42401
Las Vegas, NV 89116-0401
Phone (Geri): 702-387-3891
E-Mail Geri: Geri_55@hotmail.com
E-Mail: lasvegastug@yahoo.com
Web Site: http://www.geocities.com/lasvegastug
If you are a veteran Psychological counseling is available through the Las Vegas Veterans Hospital. It is prorated to Income and quite a few TG's have received counseling through them. Although the VA has discontinued its TG program in that they no longer provide hormones counseling and treatment for depression are still available and you can get you Psychiatric determination for SRS through them in some instances for free or at a low cost depending on income.
Las Vegas Residents
Another Las Vegas Resource is the Nevada State Mental Health Clinic located on West Charleston they provide counseling and treatment for depression on a prorated scale depending on income and can be a helpful resource for anyone with limited financial situation.
Doctors Return to Top
Dr. Russel M. Barakat, MD FACP (only post-operative care)
3201 S. Maryland Parkway
Las Vegas, NV 89109
Dr. Gerald S. Earl, DMD
5280 S. Eastern Avenue
Las Vegas, NV 89119
Dr. Loring Jacobs, MD
2870 S. Maryland Parkway
Las Vegas, NV 89109
Dr. Parvin Modaber Jacobs, MD
2870 S. Maryland Parkway
Las Vegas, NV 89109
Dr. Jay Seltzer, DMD
2551 N. Green Valley Parkway
Henderson, NV
Dr. Christian Stoermer, MD
2080 E. Flamingo Road
Las Vegas, NV 89119
Dr. Fred Toffel, MD
2700 E. Sunset Road
Las Vegas, NV 89120
Dr. Jonathon Wechsler, MD / DO
6301 Mountain Vista
Henderson, NV Zip????
Office 990-7035
Psychiatrists Return to Top
Dr. Robert Lynn Horne, MD PC (psychiatrist)
2915 W. Charleston Avenue
Las Vegas
Michelle Lisoskie, MD
211 N. Buffalo
Las Vegas, NV 89128
Therapists Return to Top
Pirkko Ahonen, MSW
1120 Almond Tree Lane
Las Vegas, NV 89104
Donna Cook, MS LMFT
222 S. Rainbow Boulevard
Las Vegas, NV 89128
Amy Ellwood, MSW, LCSW, BCD
Department of Family and Community Medicine
6375 W. Charleston Boulevard, A100
Las Vegas, NV 89102
877-3999, Ext. 214
Roberta Hartman-VandeVoort, MS MFT
500 N. Rainbow Boulevard
Las Vegas, NV 89107
Rhonda Jordan, MSW, LCSW
2860 E. Flamingo Road
Las Vegas, NV 89121
Attorneys Return to Top
Bonnie Jean Boyce, JD
515 S. Third Street
Las Vegas, NV 89101
Electrologists Return to Top
Ingrid Carlos, AE
4009 Del Monte Avenue
Las Vegas, NV 89102
c/o Gossip Salon
2222 Paradise Road
Las Vegas, NV 89104